Saturday, August 31, 2019

Behavioral Economics Essay

Introduction Behavioral Economics is an extremely important field of psychology; it seeks to expand the current tools that researchers use in economics and finance to introduce new models of human behavior that are adequately founded in psychological research. The Behavior Economics is crucial in business decision making process. The knowledge in Business and Financial Literacy is very important for their direct application to Business and Consulting Psychology. Understanding Financial Management which includes: profit & loss, cash flow, balance sheets, ratios, ROI, working capital, budgeting, financial planning, and corporate finance; and Business Management that includes: business strategy, strategic market management, micro-economic analysis, sustainable competitive advantage, strategic positioning, diversification, acquisitions, mergers, and technology management, will allow the consultant to help businesses increase their profits and improve their company’s culture. Business Management and Strategy Business Strategy is a management plan of action that an organization put in place in order to achieve a particular goal or a set of goals and objectives, this strategy can help the organization differentiate itself from its competitors. In order for a company to differentiate itself from their competitors, they need to successfully implement a strategy that will determine the market that the business will compete, the investment needed, the strategies required to compete in that specific market and the strategic resources or competencies that underline the strategy by providing a important sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) (Aaker, 2001). Budgeting and Financial Planning There are many vital managerial tools that assist in managing a successful business. Budgeting is the most common and widely used tool for planning and control; it is essentially a guideline that focuses on spending, it can breaks down all the business’ expenses in different categories, per example, utilities, payroll, taxes, materials, equipment, etc, also all the income that the business expect to receive in a certain period of time, this period of time is usually yearly, monthly or sometimes weekly. Once the manager has all the estimated income and expenses for that period of time, the budget will start to take shape. The budget goal is to subtract all the expected expenses from the expected income for the same period and still have a positive cash balance. A budget should not be a rigid and fixed tool from which you may never deviate (Wood, 2012). The Financial Planning focuses on allocating resources efficiently, specifically achieving long range goals. In summary, while the budget focuses on the daily functioning of the organization, the future depends greatly on the financial planning which in turn relies on budgeting in order to be effective. Corporate Finance The Corporate Finance addresses how organizations face their financial obligation, to intelligently invest their resources, achieve the correct combination of financing to fund their investments and return a profit to the investors; hence achieving value maximization. When a company invests in a project or multiple projects, this project will generate expenses and will create revenue for the company, but what is a project? Project is any activity that generates a series of cash flows for the organization. The company uses the revenue in excess of expenses to fund new projects, improve existing projects or pay its investors (Spiegel, 2000). Per example, applying a low-cost strategy, businesses can remove all frills and extras from its products and services (Aaker, 2001), making the organization more competitive and profitable. Financial ratios The Financial Ratios are practical indicators of a company’s financial and performance situation. The most important indicator of a business performance is profits. Profits provide the basis for the internally or externally generated capital that the organization needs to follow its growth strategies, to replace out of dated plants and equipments, and to absorb market risk (Aaker, 2001). But how can we measure the profitability of an organization? The most basic and important tool to measure profitability is the Return on Assets, which is calculated by dividing the organization’s profits by the assets involved (Aaker, 2001). The ROI measures how much profit the organization can produce with the capital that is available to them (Gitman, 2009). The company’s goal is to increase the ROI, because higher the ROI, the better. That’s why the ROA is so important for managers, investors and other business that may sell to this company. Strategic Marketing The Strategic Marketing includes creating a marketing plan that describes in detail the marketing mix, segmentation, and branding decisions. Branding is not just to increase sales in one product, but to any product that is associated with that brand. That’s why engagement matters; it pulls customers back into the business and at the end of the day leads to repeat sales (Goodman, 2012). There are many different ways to use branding to support the organizations growth strategy, but for each specific growth strategy that are different approaches that can be used in order to achieve success (Aaker, 2001). Sustainable Branding will also increase customer loyalty where customers will recognize the quality of the product or service every time that they see the brand (Aaker, 2001). Downsizing, Mergers & Acquisitions Mergers & Acquisitions essentially have the same features where the end result is one company where two existed. As stated by Shook & Roth (2010), during a merger and acquisition process, the organization will try to eliminate any overlapping positions and this process can cause downsize, which is the process of restructuring a organization in a way that brings reduction of a part of the company’s employees. If the M&A is successful, the new company will be more cost effective, efficient and mostly important, profitable (Holden, 2010). Mergers and acquisitions can also reduce significantly the competition and the overhead for both companies (Holden, 2010). Consultants can be key facilitators of a smooth transition (during a M&A) by ensuring that there is sufficient understanding and ‘buy-in’ at the leadership level about the costs of not addressing the culture issue early in the M&A process. There is plenty of empirical evidence suggesting the failure rate of M&A’s due to issues with the unsuccessful meshing of a newly merged corporate culture. During an M&A, cultural change often represents the ‘soft side’ of the transaction. Everybody agrees about its importance but it seems too frequently to take a rear seat in the stated price tag synergies to be accomplished, as well as, how the new administrative track that needs to be quickly put in practice. Conclusion The main goal of a business consultant is to provide a professional or/and expert advice, but in order to do it, it’s vital that consultants understand the need to become an expert on their client’s business and industry; it’s also very important that consultants understand the need to communicate in their clients’ language. Also, in order to be effective, the consultant should be able to use motivation to trigger the organization members to change their behavior in order to achieve the organization goals (Fernandez-Huerga, 2008). As a consultant, my goal is to support the company’s administration to resolve management, manufacturing, marketing, or other issues by providing: * Focus and direction, * Expert analytical skills, * Objectivity, and * Knowledge and experience obtained from earlier assignments Also as a professional I will help clients to define a project’s goal and capacity, and together with administration prepare a comprehensive proposal to document how the project will be implemented in order to achieve the desired objectives and steps along the way. Also I will make sure that the proposed changes are approved by the client before put in practice. Another very important issue is to maintain confidentiality during and after the assignment. My ultimate goal as a consultant will be to develop a concept of a sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) and to neutralize the SCAs of competitors (Aaker, 2001). Using the Game Strategy, which is a study of strategic decision making, the consultant will be able to develop important insights concerning the strategy and how it should be addressed providing a rational choices for businesses dilemmas (Wood, 2012). References Aaker, D. (2001). Developing business strategies (6th Ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Berman, K. & Knight, J. (2008). Financial Intelligence For HR Professionals. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Press. Fernandez-Huerga, E. (Sep2008). The economic behavior of human beings: The institutional/post-Keynesian model. Journal of Economic Issues (Association for Evolutionary Economics, 42 (3), 709-726. Gitman, L. J. (2009). Principles of managerial finance. (12 ed.). Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley. Goodman, G. F. (2012). Engagement marketing: How small business wins in a socially connected world. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Holden , P. (2010). Economies of scale: a quick explanation [Video file]. Retrieved from YouTube website: Marks, M. (2003). Surviving MADness. HR Magazine, 48(6), 86. Marks, M., & Mirvis, P. H. (2012). Applying OD to Make Mergers and Acquisitions Work. OD Practitioner, 44(3), 5-12. Shook, L., & Roth, G. (2010). Downsiz ings, mergers, and acquisition: Perspectives of human resources development practitioners. Journal of European Industrial Training 32(2), 135-153. Spiegel, M. (2000). Principles of corporate finance. Unpublished raw data, Yale School of Management, Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from Wickramasignhe, V. & Karunaratne, C. (Mar2009). People management in mergers and acquisitions in Sri Lanka: employee perception. Journal of Human Resource Management, 20 (3), 694-715. Wood, N. (2012). Behavioral Economics. [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from

Communication and Interpersonal Skills Essay

Communication -the transfer of a message (information, idea, emotion, intent, feeling, or something else) that is both received and understood. Communication Levels 1. One-on-one level – this is you and your fellow colleagues or you and your manager and/or supervisor. 2. Team-or-unit level – level that is limited to the group and its members. 3. Company-level – larger than team level, communications with the different teams within the company or organization. 4. Community-level – how the company communicate to the different sectors of the community or society see more:explain how different forms of dementia may affect the way an individual communicates Inhibitors of Communication Kill the Messenger† Syndrome – we do not take this literally. This syndrome is our natural way of not listening to people we do not like. When we do not like the person talking, we do not listen to what he/she is trying to say because we are already assuming that everything that is coming out of their lips are not good Difference in Meaning – as seen in our activity earlier. The leader tries to explain the picture but some of us have a different perception. Maybe the misuse of words to explain is the root cause of this inhibitor Lack of trust – a symptom of the â€Å"Kill the Messenger† syndrome. Again, if you do not like and trust the person talking, you totally disregard the message the speaker is trying to convey. Information overload – sometimes called communication overload. People have a limit as to how much information one can take in a day. Notice when a person rests their forehead with their palm or fist. That is a sign that the brain needs rest in absorbing information. Yawning is another sign that the person is not yet ready to receive information and experiencing an overload. When this happens, just pause for a few second and let the listener recover for a bit then resume talking. Interference – interference may happen at any time. Whether it is through a person or an event like ringing of the mobile phone or a blast of the ambulance siren, these sudden noises can interfere the bridging of information from sender to receiver. Condescending tone – condescending from the word condescension which is synonymous to arrogance. A communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient. Patronize meaning to talk down to. In Filipino, being â€Å"mata-pobre†. Poor listening skills – there are people who have not honed their skills in listening. All they want is talk, talk and talk some more. If everybody talks, nothing is understood. To prove my point, try to situate yourself in the middle of a busy public market and try to understand every word that each person says. Listening is an essential skill in communication. Without it, we cannot bridge out the ideas that is inside our heard. Premature judgments – this happens when we heard something bad that happened to the ones we love. A perfect example, your best-friend said that he saw your girlfriend with a guy. Before your best-friend can finish his story, you bolted out and quarrelled with your girlfriend. If only you listened to the continuation of the story, which is that the man that your girlfriend was seen with is actually her father. How embarrassing it would be, right? That is an example of a premature judgment, which leads us to the last inhibitor of communication, assumptions. Inaccurate assumptions – people love to assume things. We assume things in almost everything. Inaccurate assumptions can lead to mistakes to disastrous situations. For example, if people would assume a person immediately as a criminal just because of their looks, now that would be wrong. Remember, communications is not limited to the use of spoken words, as we will be discussing that further down the road. Assumptions are good, but remember to keep it to yourself until the assumption is accurate and proven. Listening– one of the most important communication skills Hearing- is a natural process, but listening is not. Good listening– means receiving the message, correctly decoding it, and accurate perceiving what it means Empathic listening– listening with the intent to understand Inhibitors of Effective Listening 1. Lack of concentration – this is because we do not pay attention or really not interested in listening at all. 2. Interruptions – sudden occurrence that brings our mind to focus on something else. 3. Preconceived ideas – even before the actual listening happens, our minds have a solid picture of the person who will be talking to us thus giving us the impression of not wanting to listen. 4. Thinking ahead – like preconceived ideas, our mind in preoccupied with something else, that’s why we are not listening effectively. 5. Interference – like interruptions, people or events that suddenly interrupt our listening. 6. Tuning out – not wanting to listen at all or sometimes because of communication overload that our mind shuts down momentarily to rest, thus tuning out. Listening Responsively 1. Active – Always show interest to the person talking to you. Being active gives you a good reception on what the sender is trying to say. 2. Alert – this goes hand in hand with being active. Being alert also gives you a good reception to the message the sender is giving. 3. Vigilant – Synonymous of being alert. Pay full attention to the speaker to grasp the message he/she is trying to convey. 4. Sensitive – being sensitive shows a sign of interest to the person talking. Sensing that the place have so many interferences, you can say to the speaker to go somewhere else so that you can understand what he/she is trying to say. 5. Creative – creative in a sense that you ask questions about the message the speaker has given. Asking questions is a good sign that the listener received the message properly. Improving listening skills -Upgrade your desire to listen -Ask the right questions -Judge what is really being said -Eliminate listening errors Non Verbal Communication Factors 1. Body Factors – these are our gestures and facial gestures. Whether we are the sender or receiver, we subconsciously act out our thoughts. Good readers of non-verbal cues can understand that as if you are an open book. 2. Voice Factors – these pertain to the pitch, intonation, and speed of our voice. Simple cough to interrupt the speaker means a lot of things, depending on how it was sent or received. 3. Proximity Factors – this pertains to the place or space of the listener to the speaker and vice-versa (ex. the farther we are to the speaker means that we are not interested in listening to the person talking) Communicating Verbally Show interest Be friendly Be flexible Be tactful Be courteous Asking Questions Effectively 1. Phrase questions carefully – choice of words are important, we should be sensitive as to not offend the speaker by questioning him/her inappropriately. 2. Use open-ended questions – these are questions that can give the speaker a chance to respond to further clarify the inquiry given. 3. Acknowledge emotions – be sensitive on the underlying emotions. Read the non-verbal cues of the speaker and from there you know how to handle the situation. 4. State your purpose – it is a sign of giving due respect to the speaker of stating the purpose of your question. In that way, both the speaker and the listener know that they are both on the same page on the topic. 5. Drop your defences – be objective in giving and answering questions. After all, the purpose of question and answer is to clarify things and needs further explanation. Being defensive will only inhibit the flow of communication Communicating in Writing Strategies for improved written communication 1. Plan before you write – just like in speaking, be sensitive on the reader of your written correspondence. Choose your words carefully before writing them down. 2. Be brief and direct – since the message is done in writing, might as well give your message brief. This can help the reader to understand your message and not experience eye-strain in reading a bunch of words that mean to tell him that he needs to brush his teeth in the morning for example. 3. Be accurate – go straight to the point on the message of the letter you are righting. 4. Practice self-editing – after writing, read your message as if you are the receiver. Feel the content and understand every word. Try to edit parts that you feel or notice that the reader will misinterpret what you are trying to say. Writing better reports Define the problem Develop a work plan Gather relevant data Process findings Develop conclusions Make recommendations Communicating Corrective Feedback Be positive – this is for both the manager and the employee in question. Remember to give due respect to everyone, whether you are the listener or the speaker. Watch your non-verbal communication and try to show to the one you face that you respect him/her as a person and ready to discuss anything with him/her. Remember that you subject yourself into this because it is for the better. Be prepared – think back of the reason why this activity is happening. Try to clear your head with negative thoughts as it will not help you not only in recalling past events, but also finding solutions to the  problem. Be realistic – when giving corrective feedback, look for solutions that are doable. In addition, try to focus on the subject at hand and base all of the topics on facts not hearsay or speculations. Don’t be completely negative – the negative form of corrective feedback is being reprimanded. But on the other hand, you can look at it as a form of an adv ice coming from top management to make you do better with work. So do not be negative. And if you are the one who will be doing the reprimanding, remember the â€Å"kiss and kick† principle, start with something positive then inject the negative. (i.e. â€Å"You know I like as to how you come in to work early but if only you could lessen the internet usage for surfing personal stuff, you could help the company a lot.†) Improving Communication Skills Keep up to date – this does not mean that you have to read a lot of magazines so that you can talk about what are the latest happenings in society, although it can help keep the interaction interesting. But other than that, keeping up to date means you talk and interact with your peers and superiors about what is happening inside the workplace. Keep yourself inside the loop so that you will not be left behind. Prioritize & determine time constraints – talks are good but do it efficiently. One can talk but make sure that you know what to talk and for how long you will be talking. It is not nice for someone to keep on talking and talking that you do not give the listener an opportunity to react. Time your talk and balance out the topics to keep the interaction going. Decide who to inform – if you know something sensitive, it would be wise to think first as to whom you will share the sensitive information with. Inappropriate sharing of information can lead to grapevine or worse can sue you for libel. Our word is our bond so be careful. Determine how to communicate – would it be proper to say it in front of his face or write it down in a memo? Just remember, saying it makes the receiver feel informal while putting it down on a piece of paper makes it more stern and formal. Analyze the message you want to convey and then choose the method of delivery. Communicate & follow-up – once you opened your communication line about a topic, keep it open. Learn to follow- up if there are updates that  you should know about. Always keep yourself in the loop. Check understanding & obtain feedback – doing follow-up makes you certain the level of understanding the listener has about the message you convey. Do not hesitate to ask if th ey understood what you mean and ask them for feedback. In feedback, you can gauge on how effective you conveyed the message and see what areas you can improve so that you can give clearer message delivery. There are three ways to convey our message across, they are: 1. Written – again, we said that this is the formal way of sending your message across. Written messages can hold you responsible and accountable on every word written. 2. Verbal – the most common method of sending the message across. It is informal and sometimes forgettable. So if you wish to send something important across using this method, make sure to ask the person if he/she understood what you are trying to say. Follow-up from time to time if the listener did understand the message you have sent across. 3. Electronic (E-mail) – emails these days have two forms, the written which we call email and voice which we call voicemail. This is the modern form of message carriers; it is fast, convenient and can be stored easily. Like the written message, you have to be careful on what you put there because each message is a file and these files can be stored and opened again if needed. Developing Interpersonal Skills Recognition of the need Careful selection Training Measurement and reward Promoting Responsiveness among Employees Value people Give people what you want to get back Make cooperation a habit Personality & Communication Personality used to describe a relatively stable pattern of behaviour, though, emotions, motives & outlook distinctive to a given individual & that characterize that individual throughout life Group of characteristics according to psychologists 1. Introversion Vs. Extroversion – are you a homebody or someone who likes to go out and have an adventure? 2. Neuroticism Vs. Emotional Stability – do you experience thinking negatively to others or you still have a clear conscience? 3. Agreeable Vs. Stubborn – do you always â€Å"go with the flow† or someone that â€Å"blocks the flow†? 4. Conscientious Vs. Undependable – do you always look into detail or are you just â€Å"happy-go-lucky†? 5. Open To Experience Vs. Prefers The Familiar – are you unafraid to try out new things or contented to the status quo? Overview of Team Building and Teamwork Team- A team is a group of people with a common, collective goal. Primary reasons for advocating teamwork are: †¢ Two or more heads are better than one. †¢ People in teams get to know each other better, build trust & as a result help each other. †¢ Teamwork promotes better communication. Rationale for Teams A group of people becomes a team when the following conditions exist: †¢ Agreement exists as to the team’s mission †¢ Members adhere to the team ground rules †¢ Fair distribution of responsibility & authority exists. There are three types of teams in the work place, they are: Department Improvement Team – their focus is improving work in the department. H. James Harrington and Kenneth Lomax have stated the importance of this type of team in their bookâ€Å"Performance Improvement Methods†. They  write, â€Å"Department Improvement Teams or DIT is one of the most valuable teams in the entire process. The team is made up of employees in a particular department reporting to the same manager. They focus on problems that they know about, has resources to use, and is empowered to solve with little or no outside approvals†¦ Since this team is looking at issues that affect its own efficiency and effectiveness, there are huge opportunities for saving organization resources.† Process Improvement Team – Harrington and Lomax has a description of this team. They write, â€Å"Another very valuable team in any organization is this team†¦ since they focus on a particular process, they are also called cross-functional teams.† Directly handled by management, its members consists of individuals who are deeply involved in that particular process. They will identify process issues that can be corrected through the use of a task team. Organizations will prioritize the critical business process and assign PITs to redesign and reengineer one to three processes at a time. In these cases that the PIT members will work on it between 50% – 100% of their time for three to six months. And just like the Department Improvement Team, thePITs has great opportunities to reduce internal cost by making process more efficient, more effective, and more adaptable. Task force-a task force is a temporary unit or formation established to work on a single defined task or activity. Members are based on experience and participation is mandatory. They are directed by management and it is also in the discretion of management on the task that they will be working on. Task mforces are formed to provide solutions as soon as possible so the urgency is very high and directly affect the entire organization. The process facilitator is optional and team leadership shall be appointed by management. Task forces are also called â€Å"ad-hoc committees† Being in a group, members should learn how to work together. Factors that influences teamwork are: Personal identity of team members Relationships among team members Identity within the organization To become a member of a team, one must: Gain entry Be clear on the team’s mission Be well prepared and participate Stay in touch Now, how can one be a leader of the team? He/she should be: Team Building and Teamwork Be clear on the team’s mission Identify success criteria Be action centered Establish the ground rules Share information Cultivate team unity And finally, the following characteristics should be present in order to exude team excellence and performance: Interdependence Stretching tasks Alignment Common language Trust/Respect Shared leadership/ followership Problem-solving skills Confrontation/ Conflict-handling skills Assessment/Action, celebration Building Teams and Making Them Work Following are the factors that influence team building & should be taken care of: Makeup & Size of Teams Choosing Team Members Responsibilities of Team Leaders Other Team Members Creating Teams Mission Statement Developing Collegial Relationships Promoting Diversity in Teams Four Step Approach in Team Building Assessing Team Needs – talk, communicate, and interact with fellow members. At this point there should not be roles played like leader and follower. Everybody is equal, therefore can equally express freely what the needs of the team are. In that way, people can identify what is essential and work on it in the process. Planning Team-Building Activities – once the needs are identified, the team should use it as basis for the activities. The activities should address a particular need, not one activity that can answer all of them. Executing Team-Building Activities – execution is key. The team should do the activities properly in order to address the need identified. Evaluating Team-Building Activities – not all activities go on smoothly. If it does, the team should not stop there. Meet and analyze the events that happened. The team can do a SWOT analysis to evaluate the activity and use the results on assessing a new set of team’s needs and do the same process all over again. Character Traits and Teamwork Following are few character traits required for Teamwork: Honesty Selflessness Dependability Enthusiasm Responsibility Cooperativeness Initiative Patience Resourcefulness Punctuality Perseverance Teams are not Bossed – They are Coached Bosses approach the job from â€Å"I’m in charge – do as you are told perspective†. facilitators of team development and continually improved performance. Following are a few characteristics of a Coach: Clearly Defined Character Team Development/Team Building Mentoring Mutual respect Human Diversity Handling Conflict in Teams Resolution Strategies for Team Conflicts: Plan & Work to establish a balanced culture Establish clear criteria Don’t allow individuals to build personal empires Encourage & Recognize risk-taking behavior Value constructive dissent Assign people of widely differing perspectives Reward and recognize both dissent & teamwork Structural Inhibitors of Teamwork Compensation and Recognition – let’s start from the most obvious. People will not lead if they will not be paid handsomely and recognized for the work. Let’s admit, it is human nature, no one will work for free.Even volunteers have their own intentions, not really working freely just for the heck of it. Planning and Control – Rank and file employees do not like additional work, work that they won’t get paid. Middle management on the other hand does not wish to work because of the length of time consumed plus the paper works. Again, people will do it, wherever he/she is in the organizational ladder, for compensation and recognition. Unit Structure – this is all about how the organization looks like. A rank- and-file cannot lead a team same as an executive becoming a memberof a team led by a rank-and-file. Unit Goals –  conflict of interest is sometimes a big hindrance for a team to move forward. Members that have a hidden agenda that sometimes conflicts with what is supposed to do can stumble or even halt the entire team’s operation. Accountability & Responsibility – I put them on top of the ladder because they are the toughest and at the same time most critical value a team must have. It is human nature that when something fails, we point fingers and not accept part or even full responsibility of the actions. Remember, a team should work as one, and working as one, the members should contribute. If members are weak in this area, the team will stumble and not reach their goal. Rewarding Team and Individual Performance The second figure shows the model for developing a team and individual compensation system. The steps are as follows: Step 1: Decide what performance to measure Step 2: Determine how to measure the performance Step 3: Identify the rewards to be offered Step 4: Integrate related process

Friday, August 30, 2019

Wine Making

The differences between red and white wines include the kinds of grapes used, the fermentation and aging process, and the character and flavor of the wine. White wines are almost always made from white grapes, although they can be made from black grapes, since the juice in most black grapes is clear. When white wine is made, the skins of the grapes are separated from the juice when they are put into a crushing machine. After filtering etc, the wine is aged by storing it in stainless steel or occasionally oak containers and bottled after a few months. White wines, then, are made without skins or seeds and are essentially fermented grape juice. They have a light character and have crisp fruit flavors and aromas. They can be sweet or dry or somewhere in between Red wine is usually made from red or black grapes, although all the kinds of grapes usually have a clear juice. The process of making red wine is different from the one of making white wine. After the grapes have been in the crushing machine, the red grapes with their skins and everything sit in a fermentation vat for a period of time, typically about one to two weeks. . The skins tend to rise to the surface of the mixture and form a layer on top. The winemaker frequently mixes this layer back into the fermenting juice (which is called must). After fermentation is over, the new wine is taken from the vat. A little â€Å"free run† juice is allowed to pour and the rest of the must is squeezed into â€Å"press wine†. The wine is clarified and then is stored, usually in oak containers, for several months until it is ready to be bottled. The oak containers add additional wood tannins and flavors to the wine which help to intensify it and add richness to it. The result of this process is that red wines exhibit a set of rich flavors with spicy, herby, and even meaty characteristics. Late harvest ice wines are the exceptions in both hemispheres. The grapes are typically left on the vine to increase the sugar content and may be harvested up to a few months after the traditional harvest. An indigenous yeast fermentations starts by itself when wild yeast strains – originating in the vineyard – start fermenting. Wild yeast can take up to a week to begin the fermentation because their initial populations are small compared to an inoculated fermentation. But there is strenuous debate as to whether the wild yeast come in from the vineyard or are already present in the cellar on winemaking equipment.

Malunggay and Spinach Essay

I.Chapter I (Introduction) Background of the Study (Rationale) â€Å"He gives us that vast goodness of nature and vegetation is among those. As man propagates for abundance; he deserves to harbor tremendous benefits from it.† The discovery of herbal plants made the possible existence of modern medicine. Modern medicine makes use of these plants in making capsulated herbal medicine or food supplements. It is scientifically proven that numerous of vitamins and minerals are found in herbal plants that can supply the needs of living things, specifically humans. These vitamins and minerals help supply energy within a person’s body, which is needed for everyday activities in order for them to perform well. Herbal plants nowadays are not just made as medicinal purposes but also as food ingredients so that it may add a unique and healthier flavor to foods. Malunggay was once considered a â€Å"poor man’s vegetable† but now it is known as a â€Å"miracle tree† or â€Å"nature’s medicine cabinet† by scientists and health care workers from around the world because it is loaded with vitamins and minerals that can be an effective remedy against many kinds of ailments such as arthritis, anemia, ovarian cancer, heart complications, kidney problems, asthma and digestive disorders. Each ounce of Malunggay contains seven times the Vitamin C found in oranges, four times the Vitamin A of carrots, three times the iron of spinach, four times as much calcium as milk and three times the potassium of bananas. Spinach is well-known in stabilizing the blood sugar among diabetics, it serves as an anti-oxidant, an anti-cancer agent, it prevents from atherosclerosis or thickening and hardening of arteries and it aids in the formation of the blood substance required for blood clotting. Besides of it being considered as an herb rich in Iron, it is also a rich source of Carbohydrates, Dietary fiber, Fat, Protein, Vitamin A, Beta-carotene, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Folate, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K and Calcium. The combination of both herbs can surely make a nutritious supplement for all ages. This study aims to presents the result of the beneficial mix of Malunggay and Spinach called as Malunggay and Spinach powder. A power duo, a product of nature, harness within reach and concocted with simplicity. II.Statement of the Problem The study aspired primarily, to search for alternative ways of utilizing the common backyard plants Malunggay and Spinach so that it won’t be placed into waste. Secondarily, make a different and simple preparation of it right in one’s home aside from the usual capsule and tablet forms, which currently dominate in the market. Lastly, to disseminate the information on how to augment a nutritional need within in reach and friendly to the pocket. The study addressed the following specific questions: 1.) What are the procedures in preparing the Malunggay and Spinach powder? 2.) Is there a specific expiration for this product? 3.) Are there different processes of drying each kind of leaves? 4.) How long can the end product be stored? 5.) Is it advisable to dry the Malunggay and Spinach leaves under direct sunlight? 6.) What are the uses of the Malunggay and Spinach powder as an additive? 7.) What specific amounts of Malunggay and Spinach to be prepared to meet our nutritional needs? 8.) What are the nutritional values from the combination of Malunggay and Spinach? 9.) Can this research work possibly be pursued in the future? III.Significance of the Study Health awareness is the prime investment, ingenuity is the investors joining effort and wellness is the net gain. Most people think that adapting a healthy and well-conditioned life is expensive and difficult to achieve. The significance is just how one resourcefully utilizes the cheap, the natural abundance of nature, and the untiring quest to alternatives and remedies. Malunggay and Spinach are kind of vegetables that are rich with vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are needed for optimum health. The purposeful cahoots will serve as a supplement Malunggay, touted as All- around miracle tree or Natures medicine cabinet contains a wide variety of nutrients in high amounts and Spinach, known as Powerhouse of Nutrients fill in essential Potassium, Phosphorus and Niacin that Malunggay does not have. This potent combination in powder form add nutrition to our deficient diet due to modern farming methods, nutrient-deficient soils, high levels of pollution that places more stress, and busy lifestyles that make it hard to prepare healthy balanced diet. It acts as an inexpensive insurance against nutritional deficiencies. This study will promote awareness on the relevance of serving of vegetable meals, soup, bread, dessert, shakes, juices and mixes with Malunggay and Spinach powder. It encourages households to plant Malunggay and Spinach in backyards for personal consumption. Finally, it inspires people to study and search for benefits on vegetables and other agricultural produce. IV.Scope and Limitation of the Study The study focused on the specifications of how to procure the major quality ingredients, the Malunggay and Spinach leaves and conscientiously observed the proper storage and maintanance of suitable room temperature. It took two (2) months and a half to get the final result of the research work using the method of experimentation. As Malunggay was readily cultivated in the backyard on the contrary, Spinach was a hard find. It started from a given tiny seedling from mountainous Busay and was replanted.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Business Process Outsourcing, WIPRO.....India's largest BPO provider Essay

Business Process Outsourcing, WIPRO.....India's largest BPO provider - Essay Example Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is the delegation of IT related services to an external service provide. It is totally dependent on human interface. At the same time it is capital intensive. Thirdly, it involves the data of the client who is usually from a different country hence, privacy and security too become obligatory. The report covers diverse incidents and opinions from the industry experts. India has provided enough evidence of its capability to handle big and small projects. It receives 80% of its work from US and now other countries are looking at this option. India now needs to improve upon its data protection and HR issues. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is globally now a mainstream business activity. A rapid growth in outsourcing in India has resulted in service providers mushrooming all over. Most lack in the resources, specially trained work force and finances. Except for a few large houses the rest do not have the necessary infrastructure. Brian Glick (2003)1 reports some critics see offshore outsourcing as little more than UK jobs being lost to India and some other developing countries. Nevertheless, it remains the fastest growing sector in the services market. More and more companies in the US and UK are moving their back-end offices to India for business processing to reduce operating costs. The concept of the offshore software development centre was born in India in 1990s when IBM and General Electric returned to India. Today India is a powerhouse of Information technology. The three main reasons according to Ramesh Emani2 why R & D has moved to India are – firstly, the product life cycles are shrinking and the companies are under pressure to launch products faster. The second is cost and the third is availability of talent with competence. IT and language skills in India bring business to India. The growth rate in the Indian BPO industry is 40% against 30% in the software industry. India has set for

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Strategic Management - Essay Example m the perspective of business and management therefore lies in its insight on the value of understanding the external environment and gaining constant information about how market behaves. Only those organizations can survive which develop the ability to know about their competition and continue to learn and become knowledge base. Knowledge based organizations make it necessary for themselves to accumulate knowledge and opposite views while at the same time ensure that they continue to develop their own ability to function. (Prusak) It is therefore critical for such organizations to ensure that they adapt best practices however, also retain their original way of doing things. This also suggests that it is critical for firms to continue to develop their core competencies while at the same time continue to focus on acquiring new knowledge and ways of doing things. (Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson) This quote therefore is of significant importance in terms of ensuring that the organizations don’t become complacent and continue to evolve themselves. This would require them to acquire new as well as opposing ideas while at the same time continue to retain their ability to

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Swallows and Amazons, or the Sporting Exception to the Gender Case Study

Swallows and Amazons, or the Sporting Exception to the Gender Rcognition Act - Case Study Example In that regard, the Gender Recognition Act 2004 therefore maintained that transgendered individuals be denied the opportunity to take part in sporting activities if their involvement is not encouraging to either ‘safety’ or ‘competitive fairness’. This paper reflects on the rights of the transgendered personalities, and specifically what the United Kingdom’s Gender recognition Act 2004 purports in regard to sports’, and the law’s, obscurity in obliging their participation in sports. This paper will therefore focus on the Section 19 of the Act. The s.19 of the Act facilitates various sporting bodies in prohibiting transgendered people of participation on the grounds of their ‘safety’ or ‘competitive fairness’ (Jack, 2006). This will be supported by the fact that neither ground can be established in the light of both the existing case law in transgender rights accompanied by the existing position of therapeutic ac quaintance. The possibility that s. 19 otiose is in part a consequence of being a hastily drafted provision and lately inserted to appease the sports lobby and its mouthpieces in the House of Lords. This paper is thus, a social and legal study on the Swallows and Amazons, Or the Sporting Exception to the Gender Recognition Act. ... re scrutinized, labeled and categorized in preparedness for their own, ‘Special’, Olympics at a particular moment when the informed harmony has undeniably moved away from the medical model of disability (Peter, 2005). The individuals whose bodies are outside the norms of sex gender due to their innate biology or due to the fact that they eschew the paradigm of normal manliness or femininity. Also the heterosexuality imperative that are faced with unique challenges: struggles over the sporting body which led to litigation by for instance, pregnant participations or female boxers with the aim of determining and relation of an acceptable level of the male hormone amongst female athletes. This has really aggravated the attention of the judicial field. Another area is the aspect of gay men or lesbians women who remain marginalized, in order to allow the International Olympic Committee would sanction of the use of the word ‘Olympic’ at the Gay Games. This is happe ning while the ‘Canine Olympics’, ‘Scout Olympic’, and ‘Police Olympic’ have been tolerated in the past twenty years (Jack, 2006). Sex chromatin screening was also added to the testers’ arsenal in an implicit acknowledgement in 1967 since the governing bodies did not have an interest in male imposters but instead they had an interest in females who had unusual chromosomal compositions producing testosterone not normal in women (Aileen, 2006). Various high profile athletes who had unusual chromosomal compositions had to justify through testing to their rivals who felt threatened. This is because they were viewed to have an unfair advantage to their rivals who subsequently resented their success in sporting activities (Aileen, 2006). This proved very controversial since unusual chromosomal

Issues in crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Issues in crime - Essay Example They are directly not involved in the unscrupulous activity. (1) At this point, it also needs to be specifically highlighted that even employees are immensely benefited by corporate crimes, for their jobs are safeguarded along with getting promotions. To put the matter in a nutshell, the very livelihood of the employees becomes dependent on them being active participants in acts of corporate crime. (1) The motives for carrying out these acts (of corporate crime) vary from one case to the other. Yet, it has been seen that the following three are the primary objectives propelling all corporate crimes: A) To bring about both a rise in profits and also a drop in costs. B) To enable a rise in demand as well as a decline in competition. C) To exercise strong control over workers, markets and supplies. (1) Factors abetting corporate crimes It can conveniently be maintained that corporate crimes started to exist from the same time when commercial organizations first began their operations. I n the contemporary era, there has been a surge in instances of corporate crime, and there indeed are highly valid reasons behind that. The various features of a typical corporate organization have now become more complex than ever, and the conventional systems of internal control are now obsolete. Additionally, the rapid growth in information technology has ensured that the power now wielded by the corporate is without a precedent. This is so much so that the modern-day corporate organizations are making sure that they are in total control of their governance. (2) The biggest factor to which the growth in corporate crimes is attributable is inadequate corporate governance. Corporate governance encompasses various policies, procedures and laws, etc, which endeavor to make sure that persons employed in an organization are made accountable. As mentioned in the preceding paragraph, they (corporate organizations) are now fully empowered to govern themselves, with the related laws being n ot so stringent. This is more so when the corresponding scenario of the past is taken into consideration. As has been stated earlier, the existing systems are being rendered powerless in ensuring accountability of corporate organizations. In addition, since the recent past, there has been a tremendous increase in the number of commercial transactions of corporate organizations. This has made things even more difficult for the prevalent laws in preventing the crimes (corporate). Last but in no way the least, the lengthy formal procedures pertaining to the governance have just further compounded the issue. This is in the sense that, they (procedures) have transformed the scenario as being more conducive for carrying out corporate crimes. (2) Various surveys that have been carried out in the recent past point out to a highly disturbing fact. A substantial chunk of corporate crimes of the present-day era are those that have been perpetrated by the managements of huge business houses. At this juncture, it also has to be noted that the losses resulting from such acts are very huge, and thus exerting an adverse impact on the economy. (2) Seriousness of corporate crimes Corporate crime is more serious an issue that what it is actually considered to be, by many people. In this context, it needs to be

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Will democracy ever develop in Iraq Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Will democracy ever develop in Iraq - Essay Example However, there is also considerable number of those politicians and scholars whom believe the task of achieving democracy might be too difficult or even impossible for Iraq. Experts list a number of factors that prevent Iraq from becoming a democratic country, at least in the short-term. For example, Marine General Anthony Zinni, who was the Head of U.S. Central Command from 1997 to 2000 made the following statement on the probability of establishing democracy in Iraq: â€Å"If we think there is a fast solution to changing the governance of Iraq, then we don’t understand history, the nature of the country, the divisions, or the underneath suppressed passions that could rise up. God help us if we think this transition will occur easily. The attempts I’ve seen to install democracy in short periods of time where there is no history and no roots have failed. Take it back to Somalia (Zinni, 2002 cited in Dodge, 2003, p.157). This opinion of the person who was directly involved in the process of democratization of Iraq are supported by many scholars and political experts. Adam Garfinkle, a famous Middle East political expert, also holds the opinion that establishing democracy in the country is an immensely difficult task, while any attempt to fulfill it will not only result in failure but will also lead to the growth of anti-American spirit in the Arab world (Garfinkle, 2003). The pessimism that currently exists in relation to the possibility of establishing democracy in Iraq relies on the assumption that the country does not have any favorable conditions for democratic transformation. This means that not only social and economic prerequisites such as numerous middle class, serious economic opportunities, good system of education and other are not there but also that the traditional political culture contradicts the democratic norms and values. As is well known, â€Å"democracy† is taken from Ð ° Greek word which means government of the people, by

Harpo Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Harpo - Article Example h Winfrey show where she showed her social support to the population both local and international has revolutionized the society to become more open minded towards discussing social issues openly. More importantly, is her role in promoting the social activity of finding a solution to these social issues and implementing these solutions. This has influenced many communities to outgrow certain levels of criticism and denial well enough to address social issues faced daily. There are some few potential dangers in having a super powerful leader such as Oprah Winfrey being the head of your company (â€Å"Case: Harpo,† n.d). One of the dangers is when the leader has so much power and decides to abuse and misuse this power. This action is very dangerous especially if the investors are engaged in false investment schemes promoted by the leader that will only have them losing their finances. The company will gain a bad reputation, and recovery is very hefty. Another potential danger is in the leader instilling too much fear towards the employees in the company. There is a certain model of treatment that every leader will want to articulate in their company toward themselves and even towards the employees. If the leaders start to be harsh and have the management do the same, the employees’ performance will be negatively affected, thus, making the company employees fearful of the leader and unable to achieve the company goals every year. As already witnessed in history, when a super powerful leader of a company or nation departs from it either through retirement or because of an ailment or death, the chances of creating a continuum of success is very slim. The best ways in which Oprah Winfrey can ensure that Harpo will survive after her departure, whether due to death, ailment or even due to a tarnished public appeal is by creating and implementing a leadership succession plan. In this situation, she should have an active plan of having every individual undertaking a

Monday, August 26, 2019

Intelligence Analysis Question 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Intelligence Analysis Question 2 - Essay Example Different professionals have come up with theories on the upcoming threats to the United States and going through the views of George Roger and Bruce James is effective in that it assists in understanding their viewpoint and the actions that the country ought to take in preventing actual occurrence of the risks. The two professionals mentioned are actual officers of the law where one of them, James works for the Central Intelligence Agency while Roger is also a member of the high leagues in terms of intelligence. According to George, the biggest threat that faces the United States both currently and in the future is regarding intelligence. Intelligence is critical information that a government accumulates and stores in its agencies that ought to assist the government run its operations and protect the citizens of the country1. George further states that the concept of hacking was the initiator of this problem and this is because the fact that people had the ability to access information and actual private date belonging to people made the trend famous to a point people started challenging one another. According to Roger, the issue is not quite rampant and this is because of the strict rules incorporated by the government where anyone that carries out this type of behavior faces strict legal action. This action has been a positive factor in ensuring that the number of these people reduces to a point that the concept of hacking stops completely. However, with the advent of more sophisticated internet technology, there are hackers that have come up with skills that they cannot be located. These hackers have the ability to hack into government systems and still critical information that has different implications on both the government and the content subject. Over the past few years, these critical hackers have had the ability to hack into systems such as that of Russian

Exploring the Main Characters in Five Poems of Distinct Cultures Coursework

Exploring the Main Characters in Five Poems of Distinct Cultures - Coursework Example Basically, the poem depicts the issue of color which is a common theme on the majority of literary works by Hughes and a tone that suggests racial inequality that forms through the confession of the â€Å"darker brother†. The adverb â€Å"too† signifies inclusion which connotes something missing or only part of the American population, more specifically the supreme race, are entitled to so in a way, the speaker appeals for equal rights of living with the white people of America. â€Å"I, too† presents a type of protagonist who struggles to adapt to his mistreating environment where he is often brought to â€Å"eat in the kitchen† upon the arrival of the company which could be the greater authority or the race in command. Despite such unfavorable circumstances, however, the black narrator hopes to keep up a good fight which the line â€Å"They’ll see how beautiful I am† reflects so that he may be justified to conclude â€Å"I, too, am America .† Repetition of â€Å"I† and â€Å"too† opens and closes the poem, respectively, and Hughes establishes metaphor in rendering the speaker to claim on ending with a patriotic pitch that he is America. As a Guyanese poet, on the other hand, Grace Nichols believes that Caribbean rhythms connect her sense of spirituality in Africa to all other cultures of the East and the West. This can be well recognized in her work â€Å"Praise Song for My Mother† which primarily characterizes her coastal life as applied to the maternal sentiments she uniquely identifies her mother with. Through a series of enjambment which normally appear on the beginning of each stanza under a nostalgic tone, Nichols makes her mother the central figure of the metaphors which she utilizes in comparing Caribbean attributes with the relevant traits possessed by her mother. The use of water, moon’s eye, and sunrise is elemental then the speaker, in the second-person point of view, elaborates the basic details with extended metaphors in order for the reader to understand how special and affectionate parenting is experienced during the childhood days of the poet. Essentially, Nichols likens her motherâ₠¬â„¢s care to the general life in the coast where almost all natural resources by which to sustain one’s living exist just as everything a child needs is with the loving mother’s safekeeping. Such is evident in â€Å"deep and bold and fathoming† which is quite symbolic of qualities a mother’s goodness has as well as â€Å"rise and warm and streaming† in reference to the characteristics of blood and milk all mothers share in common. With repetition of the word â€Å"replenishing† after enumeration with fishes, flamer’s tree, and crab’s leg, Nichols puts a stress on her encounter of abundance with the coast which does not occur to run out of life’s fundamental necessities just like a mother’s love and patience that altogether endures with time. â€Å"Island Man† is another piece which Grace Nichols fashions in the absence of punctuations throughout the poem’s structure. One may feel that the poetâ€⠄¢s attempt with enjambment has to do with the substance of her chosen subject which is hugely associated to Caribbean features involving seas and waves representing expanse and forms that are typically free and unbounded in nature. On this ground, thus, Nichols prefers not to punctuate in discussing

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Management Skills in Adult Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

Management Skills in Adult Nursing - Essay Example Communication with other health professionals is vital to health care delivery. In this case, communicating with the attending physician was essential to the patient’s care. The attending physician is the primary health professional charged with the patient’s care. All medical decisions and interventions (except independent nursing interventions) have to be cleared with him. The discharge notes indicated that the patient had to be taught various techniques on how to prevent future falls and had to have a diet plan. Fox (2008) advises that making such plans with other health professionals is a part of the nursing practice. I was able to coordinate well with the physician, especially as he indicated the need to establish a high-calcium and high-fibre diet with the client; moreover, he also indicated in the discharge notes that good lighting and patient assistance during mobile periods would help prevent falls. I also communicated with the patient and his family, I used si mple words, avoiding the use of technical medical terms (Bell, et al., 2009). I also asked the patient to repeat some of the health teachings back to me. I encouraged the patient and the family to ask questions on how they could prevent falls and on the patient’s diet plan (Bell, et al., 2009). I patiently answered their questions and also took the time to demonstrate what they could do to help the patient recover from the fracture. I taught the patient how to safely get up from bed, how to safely walk from one place to another, and I also communicated with the family by reviewing with them what they could do to help their family member (Bell,, 2009). This included the meals they could prepare for the patient, the need for the patient to safely move about, and the importance of preventing and managing fall risks. Based on my readings on healthy diet plans for elderly patients, I was able to discover that I need some improvements in my practice on such aspect of nursing care. Although I had the working knowledge on the appropriate diet plans for elderly and for patients with recent hip surgeries, I was not thoroughly confident in such knowledge. Webb (2011) recommends the use of primary evidence in the practice. Using the books in the hospital helped provide me with immediate knowledge that was essential to the establishment of an effective diet plan. There were information in the books which I was not aware of and reviewing such data allowed me to understand the condition of the patient and his diet needs.

Red Bull GmBH Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Red Bull GmBH - Case Study Example According to the study  U.K. market already flooded by big market players like that of Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola has created a tougher competition for the Austrian based company to make a market of its own and further generate business. The company has been among the top selling companies but it makes no mark in the quantity of the products sold. It can be understood as the companies sought to benefit the socials for individual well-being and much better lifestyles. Certainly demographic impacts have been seen by the company in segmenting the market. They have been targeting the youth, middle aged and elderly people of the society and subsequently these people are attracted to products that rejuvenate and regenerates. The market is said to be functional with variety of products in the food and beverages segments are launched each day. Each company had its own unique way of attracting the customer base. Red Bull also thought out a process of marketing and advertising its most valuabl e product. It introduced ‘buzz marketing’ or it can be said as word-of-mouth. It was a strategical concept introduced by the company to attract UK customers. To make marketing of the product much more different from the traditional concepts, Red Bull resorted to campaigns in the sports arena. It got itself associated with various youth drinks especially in the extreme sports zone like motor racing, mountain biking, snow boarding and dance music. Gradually Red Bull started to get results for their hard work. With growing demand for the product Red Bull became clear market winner in energy drinks consumption in the U.K.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Normal Business Operations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Normal Business Operations - Essay Example Within this understanding and appreciation for the means by which key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats define the way in which this particular store will continue to integrate with customers in the near future, the following analysis will seek to provide something of a SWOT analysis with regards to this chain in the hopes that by understanding these key areas, the analyst will be able to define and appreciate the areas of opportunity and potential threats the firm faces both in the present and within the near future. Strengths: Firstly, with regards to the key strengths that Reeds grocers have within the current market, these can basically be understood with regards to the fact that they have established a resilient and well respected brand image among the client base and they also exhibit a resilient strength of the size and scope of their grocery store locations and offerings. Starting from a humble family owned beginning, Reeds transitioned over time, just as have so many other small firms, to encompass a great many stores and a wide variety of product and service offerings. Moreover, consumers of the firm have come to respect them within the world of grocers. This market presence along with a substantive level of respect and appreciation by a rather large client base is a net asset as well as a definitive strength upon which the firm can seek to leverage any further market growth or development within the near future. ... Another key weakness that the grocer faces is with regards to the fact that it cannot count on loyal consumers to carry it through economically difficult times. Whereas in the past grocers could count on loyal consumers to continue to derive a degree of revenue/sales, the current model indicates that less and less consumers are ultimately loyal to a single grocer and choose instead to shop many grocers in an attempt to maximize their savings. This represents an effective weakness that the firm is no longer able to attract and retain loyal consumers within a market that is more and more cut throat with regards to overall earnings and sales. Opportunities: Political/Legal With regards to the political/legal opportunities that the firm should seek to leverage, it is the understanding of this analysis that the firm, as well as any and all other firms within the system, should continue to engage with law makers and governments (at both the regional, state, and federal level) to continue t o lobby for tax breaks and business incentives so that they may continue to provide the most basic of goods to the consumers that they provide for; the need of sustenance. Economic Similarly, with regards to the economic opportunities that the firm is faced with, these can be understood with regards to seeking to model their business plan, at least in part, upon the runaway success that many of its greatest competitors have employed; i.e. offering at least a portion of overall goods to be sold as bargain buys and priced within the reach of a specific demographic of consumers that would otherwise be attracted to other stores instead. This serves as an economic opportunity that can be leveraged with very little overall cost to the firm and

Nursing Gender Stereotype Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nursing Gender Stereotype - Essay Example Nuns and lay women have been helping to care for the sick even before the time of Florence Nightingale. It is only during her time that the first nursing school was established. Nursing thus became a profession. Coupled with Nightingales belief and fact that society has dictated women to care for the injured soldiers has cemented the nursing profession as a profession for women. This designation of the profession as "only for women" has changed over time. The three pictures of groups of nurses presented, depicts nurses over a vast period of time, will attest to this. The first is a picture of six nurses taken during Florence Nightingales time. The women are dressed all in white long gowns with what appears to be a nursing cap on their heads. The cap is quite larger than the common white nursing caps worn by nursing students of today. They look very neat with their hair fastened away from the face and tucked underneath their caps. Their white gowns cover their bodies and arms provide protection from contamination and also prevent them from coming into skin contact with their patients. Their gowns are all starched up seeing that it does not follow the contour of the body also serves to prevent dirt from sticking to it. They do not wear jewelry as this might only get in the way as they move about their business. Their faces bearing a serious and yet small smile shows that they mean business. They are ready to do their task. Not one wears a big smile probably because during their time women were supposed to be meek and reserved. The head held high a nd eyes looking straight at the camera shows confidence. They epitomize Florence Nightingales' Nurse as clean, neat, formal, confident, and competent. The picture also shows the bond that these women have. The way they are seated, with the women on the floor having their arm and elbow on the lap of the woman seated behind them and with the woman at the back sitting forward and placing her hands at the back of each nurse seated at her front shows the relation of togetherness at work and in service. The picture also shows that age is not an impediment to service. The picture shows women of varying ages. This disparity in ages is further emphasized for the youngest nurse, the one wearing a different headdress was made to sit beside the oldest nurse in the picture (2nd row extreme right of the picture). The second picture are the nurses of the late ninety's. It shows three women nurses and three doctors. The nurses are in scrub suits while two doctors are in doctors gowns and another has a stethoscope hanging around his neck. The ratio of doctors against nurses in the picture can be interpreted to show equal importance. Both are equally important in the field of caring and nursing a sick patient to good health. The nurses in the picture are easily identifiable by the scrub suits they are wearing. They are no longer encumbered with the lengthy, up to the neck and long sleeved gowns. They can move with ease and are more comfortable. Although no longer sporting the traditional white long gowns, they are as clean as ever with the help of

The Benefits of Nuclear Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Benefits of Nuclear Power - Essay Example The Nuclear Power was the most significant innovation of the Twentieth Century and could potentially affect the Twenty First Century as much as any other innovation. Nuclear energy is commonly understood to the most practical alternative to electric generating power plants that burn coal for fuel. Nuclear powered plants, as a substitute for coal-burning plants, could play an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The biggest test mankind faces in the Twenty First Century is reversing the cataclysmic effects of global warming caused by fossil fuel emissions and to combat the misperceptions of nuclear generated power from the extensive criticism it has been subjected to during the past three decades. If the world’s countries and people are serious about ending the burning of fossil fuels and stop the acceleration of global climate change, alternative fuels such as bio-fuel and renewable energy such as solar and wind power must be rapidly employed on a large scale. However, these types of energy alone are not sufficient to replace oil and coal as the most prevalent power sources therefore the levels of CO2 emissions will continue to rise. Scientists have caution that if far-reaching radical steps are not employed now, the consequences of global climate change will quickly become irreversible and the earth’s temperature will continue to increase despite future attempts to diminish these dangerous emissions. Consequently, nuclear power plants should be built as soon as possible to replace coal burning facilities. â€Å"Nuclear energy is a clean, safe, reliable and competitive energy source. It is the only source of energy that can replace a significant part of the fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) which massively pollute the atmosphere and contribute to the greenhouse effect† (Comby, 2006). Nuclear plants are the only alternative to coal that would be able to provide all the electricity power needs for both residential and businesses and residential customers. Nuclear power is the only feasible energy alternative that could replace the enormous energy needs of the world’s people and, if implemented with a sense of urgency, could be constructed in time to save the earth from the most horrific consequences. Environmentalists who are against nuclear electric plants should appreciate that this is the best way to avoid the ominous affects of irreversible global climate change. Their anxiety principally concerns nuclear waste disposal. â€Å"Nuclear waste is to be deposited in deep geological storage sites; it does not enter the biosphere. Its impact on the ecosystems is minimal. An intelligent combination of energy conservation, and renewable energies for local low-intensity applications, and nuclear energy for base-load electricity production, is the only viable way for the future† (Comby, 2006). Some detractors of nuclear power point to the possible deaths resulting from nuclear accidents. To date, o nly the nuclear power plant melt-down at Chernobyl caused deaths. No deaths are associated with the recent plant damage in Japan. Compare nuclear power plants safety record to that of coal mines. Chernobyl was unique. That type of accident could not occur in any other plant because all the currently operating reactors in the world are located inside a containment structure (Chernobyl was not). The 1979 Three Mile Island reactor core meltdown, which was the result of a failure in its core cooling system, emitted a lot of radiation but the reactor was housed in a containment structure which kept the radiation from being released into the air. There were no deaths or injuries. (Miller, 2004) Nuclear power is safer and more dependable than ever before. We cannot allow the

Human Resources - Needs Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Human Resources - Needs Assessment - Essay Example Organizational analysis becomes necessary in some cases such as technology changes, environmental shift or when leadership changes For example in GameStop technology changes are frequent. Most important task in improving an organization’s efficiency is performance management which is basically clarifying job responsibilities and priorities to employees and indicating the performance expectations that are required from the employees. To improve the performance the best scenario is appropriate training for the employees in their own fields of work but before that any organization goes through the performance needs assessment in which the desired outcome that is required from the employees and the actual outcome are compared and analyzed. For this first of all the current situation of the present and future employee’s skills, knowledge, talents, capabilities are assessed including the organization’s internal climate provided to the employee (Rossetti,2009). Then the required state is analyzed and this includes the status of the work responsibilities and the skills, potential, efforts and knowledge required to achieve the desired position. In an efficient organization it is very necessary to focus on critical tasks to achieve the long range production goals and not just on current practices. Long range production goals are the desired destination point in future for a company which requires long range strategic interventions. This analysis will produce a list for training and career development but we must first confirm that are needs are actually real and there is a chance for proper and possible intervention. For example we will first asses that whether the problem is costing more then its solution. HR will follow the law during the possible solution and also the influence of this whole effort is analyzed. Now comes the part when we search for the reasons of the low or below desired income and the question faced is whether the employees are w orking hard enough or are they trained properly to do their jobs.(Goldstein,2005). If there are issues indicating and causing the low income then they may be unhappy people(customer, employee, investor) and their complaints are evident when customer satisfaction surveys, annual morale surveys are done ,poor productivity reports(too little work to be done using too many resources) show missed production schedule, poor financial report( cost of sales is too high and there is inadequate cash flow), insufficient communication( lack of feedback system, lack of coordination), lack of compliance having too many violations taking place within the system. Human resource department surveys the employee turn over rate, talent management, complaints etc. If all of this is not satisfactory then the cause are analyzed and then comes the solution part all of which cannot be mended by simple training. GameStop or any company hires already experienced employees so that the issue of training is less frequent but it is not possible all the time plus job requirements change with designation or nature of the job. Needs assessment saves time ensuring that time is not wasted in teaching which is already known. Needs does not refer to the things that are desired, it refers to the difference between the things that are â€Å"present† and those which are â€Å"

Friday, August 23, 2019

Marketing Plan for Masters Home Improvement Stores in Australia Assignment

Marketing Plan for Masters Home Improvement Stores in Australia - Assignment Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that the microenvironmental factors comprise of all the elements that are closely linked with the company and has a positive or negative effect on the business operations of the company and hence ultimately has an impact on building relationships with customers and creating value. The various microenvironmental factors comprise of suppliers, marketing intermediaries, public, competitors, and customers. Amongst the above-stated factors two of which would create the major impact on the operations of Master’s Home Improvement are suppliers and competitors. The other factors can be easily managed by the company only when these two selected elements are effectively managed by the company. Suppliers play a very important part in retail business and in such home improvement business the availability of pre-packaged goods as it is offered by Master’s solely depends on the quality level maintained by the suppliers an d even on-time delivery from the suppliers so that the demand of the consumers are met without losing on any customer in such highly competitive market. Master’s also needs to develop very strong relationships with their suppliers and offer them good incentives so that they do not shift to their competitors as that would have a drastic impact on their business operations. In a market where competition is high bargaining power of suppliers is high due to the availability of more number of operations. The Master’s brand is owned by Woolworth limited and has faced a second mover advantage as well as a disadvantage in the retail business. The major competitors of the brand are Bunnings, Mitre 10, and Home Timber and Hardware. The competitors greatly have an impact on an organization such as if the competitors have set attractive prices with innovative product line then it can affect other players who have set higher prices as per the market demand. In the industry that Mas ter’s operates there are well-established players such as Bunnings which causes the company to constantly update its services so as to sustain in the market.

Israeli military calculations towards iran Essay

Israeli military calculations towards iran - Essay Example Iran is also perceived by Israel to be offensive as it supports militant and terrorist groups that oppose Israel rule and existence. These groups are given financial help and military training and they include Palestine Islamic jihad and Hezbollah which threatens the security of Israel. The outrageous statements uttered by Iranian leaders and which are supported by the neighboring Arab countries clearly indicate that Iran is committed to ensuring that the state of Israel faces many problems ranging from terrorism to destruction of the whole nation. For example, Ahmedinejaad the president of Iran has denied holocaust and has threatened to wipe Israel from the map and has characterized Israel as an artificial state whose end is near. This verbal attacks are meant to enhance the primacy of Iran has a powerful country in the region, something Israel considers to be a threat to its security. Meanwhile in Israel the government is under pressure with how it is handling the terrorist groups, their continuous firing of rockets toward Israel and how the events are related to Iran’s outbursts. This pressure is revealed in the Sunday times newspaper which says that Israel has been preparing to attack Iran’s nuclear sites using nuclear weapons because the sites are heavily protected by thick rocks. To make sure that this happens, Israel president has appointed right wing politicians for example Lieberman and Effie Eitem who believe that all Israel enemies have to be subdued. However, USA the main ally of Israel has given mixed issue to Iranian issued.USA asserts that it will not allow Iran to have nuclear weapons but the chances of giving such approval are not there at the moment. USA is ready to strike Iran as long as there is believable intelligence evidence that it has weaponized its uranium programs. Attacking Iranian nuclear require complex planning because most targets are far

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Wireless Technologies Proposal Essay Example for Free

Wireless Technologies Proposal Essay Wireless technologies include both wireless devices, such as smart phones, and wireless transmission media, such as microwave, satellite, and radio. These technologies are fundamentally changing the ways organizations operate and do business. Individuals are finding it convenient and productive to use wireless devices for several reasons. First, they can make productive use of time that was formerly wasted (for example, while commuting to work on public transportation). Second, because they can take these devices with them, their work locations are becoming much more flexible. Third, wireless technology enables them to allocate their working time around personal and professional obligations. The first recommendation will be Wireless Fidelity (or Wi-Fi), which is a medium-range wireless local area network (WLAN), which is basically a wired LAN but without the cables. In a typical configuration, a transmitter with an antenna, called a wireless access point, connects to a wired LAN or to satellite dishes that provide an Internet connection. A wireless access point provides service to a number of users within a small geographical perimeter. Wi-Fi will provide fast and easy Internet or intranet broadband access from anywhere in the office offices. Users can access the Internet while walking around the office. In addition, users can access Wi-Fi with their laptops, desktops, or PDAs by adding a wireless network card. Most PC and laptop manufacturers incorporate these cards directly in their PCs. Second recommendation will be cellular telephones or smart phones, and tablets; cellular telephones use radio waves to provide two-way communication. The cell phone communicates with radio antennas placed within adjacent geographic areas called cells. A telephone message is transmitted to the local cell by the cell phone and then is passed from cell to cell until it reaches the cell of its destination. At this final cell, the message is either transmitted to the receiving cell phone or is transferred to the public switched telephon e system to be transmitted to a wireless telephone. This is why you can use a cell phone to call both other cell phones and standard wireless phones. Cell phones a great way to for your employee to communicate around the office and as well outside during business sales. Smart phones supports videos; web browsing, and instant messaging. Some disadvantage will be that some plans are relatively expensive, and most carriers’ limit how much you can download and what the service can be used for. For instance, some carriers prohibit  downloading or streaming audio or video. If you go beyond the limits, the carriers reserve the right to cut off your service. Smart phone are good for on the go. When in-between meets or at work, with a smart phone are can access emails, the internet, and just about anything else. Smart phones can have access to banking, calendars, and other app that is needed. Smart phone come in different sizes and colors. With a tablet you can have it with internet services or not. Tablet can do just about anything you want it do. There are programs that allow you to type papers, read, and recorded any video that is needed. Tablets are small and weigh just about nothing, so there easy to travel with. Tablet can range from any size on the screen to any size for memoir. We believe these two devices would work for a small company, because they are cost effective simple to work on the go. The risks that you take in wireless technologies is if you use a network that is not security enabled there is a chance of somebody else being able to access your information. It also gives the owner of the network to see what pages and different activities that have been being done on that network. There are risks like that, but that would mostly happen when using a hotspot or WiFi that has an open connection to the public.

Natural Law does not provide an adequate basis for morality Essay Example for Free

Natural Law does not provide an adequate basis for morality Essay In this essay, the arguments made will help to consider whether or not if Natural Law does provide an adequate basis for morality or not. The arguments will look into Aquinas theory and if his beliefs provide a sense of morality for all humans. Natural Law is a moral theory which maintains that law should be based on morality and ethics. Natural Law holds that the law is based on what’s correct. Natural Law is discovered by humans through the use of reason and choosing between good and evil. It finds power in discovering certain universal standards in morality and ethics. The strengths that are found in Natural Law are the strengths of an absolutist deontological view of morality. It allows people to follow common rules so they can then structure communities. Natural Law provides justification and support for certain core ideas which are popular in modern times, for example human rights and equality. Natural Law provides a clear moral basis for Christians to follow, example would be, the primary precepts to ‘defend life’ which provides a moral rule to help people to understand that all life is sacred and we should defend all life. We are also able to us our reason in order to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong, it allows us to use our reason to fulfil our purpose as humans. A key argument that would be made is that not all people share the same life purposes; everyone wants to get something different out of life, fulfilling their own life purposes. Not all people â€Å"find love in the same way; some find love and purpose in life through the expression of their sexuality† (Robert Bowie). Aquinas did not consider that every human thinks and feels differently, to make his theory relatable to all humans. Human beings have their own minds; the whole person should be the decision maker and follow what makes them happy. Homosexual men and women argue the fact that they are not recognized as normal human beings. Aquinas believed that their actions should not be seen as normal human action but as unnatural because to him, they cannot lead normal lives like straight men and women simple because they cannot reproduce and that Aquinas believed that â€Å"as a human being must preserve the species every discharge of semen should be associated with life generation†(Robert Bowie). But it is not vital for ever discharge of semen should be producing a new life to maintain human life. Aquinas doesn’t consider how are functions effect are emotions, how they link to our emotions and thoughts. Natural Law has been argued to whether or not there is a common natural law that is apparent and self- evident, and also whether or not it can be right for each human and if every day life can be deduced from the fundamental laws e. g. primary precepts. Kai Neilson went against Aquinas theory, Neilson argued Aquinas beliefs in a basis human nature which is presented to all different cultures. Sciences view of an essential human nature is that it does not exist and that it’s not what makes a man a man. Human nature is seen as a vague cultural concept, is has never been scientifically proven so we cannot be sure if it actually does exist. ‘The challenge is that an essential human nature isn’t as obviously self-evident as Aquinas claims’ (Robert Bowie). In some ways, some forms of Natural Law could perhaps exist just not in the way Aquinas indented. He believed to use the genitals for other reason presides reproducing, was immoral. The human body and emotions works in different ways and it is not necessary that semen has to produce a new life every time. Aquinas believes that sex before marriage is wrong, and that in order for a couple to have sex they must have the intensions of spending the rest of their lives together. For a couple’s relationship to grow strong or maintain strong, by creating a sexual relationship, the couple’s relationship may benefit from this action. â€Å"Sexual activity isn’t only found in the genitalia’s’ (Robert Bowie). In today’s society the human physique is seen as one psycho-physical whole, it is no longer seen as the fragment requirements of parts which Aquinas had believed. Aquinas how a couple may need a sexual relationship for their feelings to mature. Times have changed since Aquinas’s theory, people within a relationship no longer wait until their married some even have children out of wedlock but are in stable relationship even if it’s with another person who is not their child’s parent. Homosexual relationships are no longer thrown upon and homosexual couples can now get married in church in front of God. Aquinas theory does no longer fit into today’s society simple because the new generations have grown up being taught differently. The programs that are now shown on TV for children and teens to watch have sent out a messages showing sense such as ’16 and pregnant’ that go against Aquinas beliefs. Aquinas Natural Moral Law is a Christian ethic but Jesus confronted legalistic morality in the New Testament. Natural moral law is similar to Pharisaic law and some debate that Jesus went against this approach. Some Christians have demanded that morality should be based on the individual rather than the types of acts that have been committed. Writer, Kevin T Kelly, pointed out two types of Christian morality, one ‘that is centred on acts’ and then another which is ‘centred on the dignity of the human person’ (Robert Bowie), separating the person from the act. Although natural law has its down sides there are some arguments that provide a basis for morality. Natural moral law provides a set of rules which people do follow to fulfil a moral life. The strengths that natural moral law provides are the strengths of an absolutist deontological view of morality; the rules that apply bring a structure to communities. Some religious believers use Natural law as a comfort blanket; it could be seen as something to rely on to help guide them to a moral way of life, Natural moral law gives a reason to be moral, â€Å"It gives guidance on day to day questions† (Robert Bowie). Natural law, although guides people in the way they live, is not a set of rules but a form of living a chose on how to achieve a person’s purpose and happiness. It provides us humans with a complete system of moral living. Natural moral law supports certain ideas in modern times for example human rights and equality. Humans are capable of discerning the difference between good and evil because they have a conscience. There are many manifestations of the good that we can pursue. Some, like procreation, are common to other nimals, and others, like the pursuit of truth, are inclinations peculiar to the capacities of human beings. Some contemporary Catholic theologians, like John Wijngaards, dispute the Magisteriums interpretation of Natural Law as applied to specific points of sexual ethics, such as in the areas of contraceptives and homosexual unions. Natural moral goes against taking of a human’s life, â€Å"thou shall not kill† (Jesus) natural law follows this, t he 5 primary precepts state that you should perverse all life, since life is a gift and all humans should find happiness and morality within their lifespan. Although Natural law does provide a framework for humans to be guided it also forgets to include the other types of cultures. Natural law was made for Christians which means that the rules and morals have been made to fit only Christian teachings, so it’s not suitable for all humans to follow and if not all human beings can follow it, then not all humans are gaining a basis for morality. Aquinas theory is seen as being out of date, with the new generation growing up in a world where sex before marriage doesn’t apply, his belief that no semen should be wasted and that it is unmoral to use the genitals for other reason besides reproducing is no longer seen as wrong but in some cases seen as sharing love between partners also homosexuality is no longer seen as a sin in some societies.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Causes And Effects Of Strokes Biology Essay

Causes And Effects Of Strokes Biology Essay Stroke is defined as A neurological deficit of cerebrovascular cause that persists beyond 24 hours or is interrupted by death within 24 hours. WHO (1970) A stroke is the rapidly developing loss of brain functions due to a disturbance in the blood vessels supplying blood to the brain. This can be due to ischemia caused by thrombosis or embolism or due to a hemorrhage. As a result, the affected area of the brain is unable to function, leading to inability to move one or more limbs on one side of the body, inability to understand or formulate speech or inability to see one side of the visual field (Donnan GA, Fisher M. May 2008). PREVALANCE AND INCIDENCE: Stroke could soon be the most common cause of death worldwide (Murray CJ, Lopez AD 1997). Stroke is currently the second leading cause of death in the Western world, ranking after heart disease and before cancer (Donnan GA, Fisher M, May 2008)and it causes 10% of deaths worldwide (World Health Organization. 2004) . It has been noted that stroke incidence may vary considerably from country to country. The prevalence of stroke in India was estimated as 203 per 100,000 populations above 20 years, amounting to a total of about 1 million cases. Stroke represented 1.2% of total deaths in India (PK Sethi Neurosciences Today 2002). SEX DIFFERENCES: Men are 1.25 times more likely to suffer strokes than women(PK Sethi Neurosciences Today 2002), yet 60% of deaths from stroke occur in women (Villarosa, Linda, Ed.1993). CLASSIFICATION: Strokes can be classified into two major categories: ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemia is due to interruption of the blood supply, while hemorrhage is due to rupture of a blood vessel or an abnormal vascular structure. 80% of strokes are due to ischemia; the remainders are due to hemorrhage (Donnan GA, Fisher M. May 2008). ISCHEMIC STROKE: In an ischemic stroke, blood supply to a part of the brain is decreased, leading to dysfunction of the brain tissue in that area. The four reasons responsible for ischemic stroke are thrombosis, embolism (Donnan GA, Fisher M. May 2008), systemic hypoperfusion (Shuaib A, Hachinski VC .September 1991) and venous thrombosis (Stam J. 2005). HAEMORRAGIC STROKE: Intracranial hemorrhage is the accumulation of blood anywhere within the skull vault. Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is bleeding directly into the brain tissue, forming a gradually enlarging haematoma. RISK FACTORS: High blood pressure, High blood cholesterol levels, Diabetes, Cigarette smoking (Hankey GJ. August 1999), Heavy alcohol consumption (Reynolds K, Lewis B, Nolen JD, et al .2003) , drug use, (Sloan MA, 1991), lack of physical activity, obesity, unhealthy diet (American Heart Association.2007) and Atrial fibrillation. CAUSES: When the flow of blood in an artery supplying the brain is interrupted for more than a few seconds, brain cells can die, causing permanent damage. An interruption can be caused by either blood clots or bleeding in the brain. Most strokes are due to blood clots that blocks the blood flow to brain. Bleeding into the brain occurs if a blood vessel ruptures or if there is a significant injury (Ay H; Furie KL. 2005). BLOOD CLOTS: A common cause of stroke is atherosclerosis. Fatty deposits and blood platelets collect on the walls of the arteries, forming plaques. Over time, the plaques slowly begin to block the flow of blood. The plaque itself may block the artery enough to cause a stroke (Ay H; Furie KL. 2005). The plaque causes the blood to flow abnormally, which leads to a blood clot. A clot can stay at the site of narrowing and prevent blood flow to all of the smaller arteries it supplies. In other cases, the clot can travel and wedge into a smaller vessel (Ay H; Furie KL. 2005). Strokes caused by embolism are most commonly caused by heart disorders. An embolism may originate in a major blood vessel as it branches off the heart. A clot can also form elsewhere in the body for any number of reasons, and then travel to the brain, causing a stroke (Ay H; Furie KL. 2005). Arrhythmias of the heart, such as atrial fibrillation, can be associated with this type of stroke and may contribute to clot formation. Other causes of embolic stroke include endocarditis, or use of a mechanical heart valve. A clot can form on the artificial valve, break off, and travel to the brain (Ay H; Furie KL. 2005). BLEEDING IN THE BRAIN: A second major cause of stroke is bleeding in the brain. This can occur when small blood vessels in the brain become weak and burst. Some people have defects in the blood vessels of the brain that make this more likely. The flow of blood after the blood vessel ruptures damages brain cells (Ay H; Furie KL. 2005). PATHOPHYSIOLOGY: ISCHAEMIC: Ischemic stroke occurs due to a loss of blood supply to part of the brain, initiating the ischemic cascade. Brain tissue ceases to function if deprived of oxygen for more than 60 to 90 seconds and after a few hours will suffer irreversible injury possibly leading to death of the tissue. Atherosclerosis may disrupt the blood supply by narrowing the lumen of blood vessels leading to a reduction of blood flow, by causing the formation of blood clots within the vessel (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.1999). Embolic infarction occurs when emboli formed elsewhere in the circulatory system, typically in the heart as a consequence of atrial fibrillation, or in the carotid arteries. These break off, enter the cerebral circulation, then lodge in and occlude brain blood vessels (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.1999). HAEMORRAGIC: Hemorrhagic strokes results in tissue injurys by causing compression of tissues from an expanding hematomas. This can distort and injure the tissues. In addition, the pressure may lead to a loss of blood supply to affected tissue with resulting infarction, and the blood released by brain hemorrhage appears to have direct toxic effects on brain tissue and vasculature (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.1999). SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: A stroke symptom typically starts suddenly, over seconds to minutes, and in most cases dont progress further. The symptoms depend on the area of the brain affected. The more extensive the area of brain affected, more the functions that are likely to be lost (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.1999). A sudden development of one or more of the following indicates a stroke: Paresis or paralysis of any part of the body, Numbness, tingling, or decreased sensation, Changed or diminished vision, Language difficulties, including slurred speech, inability to speak, inability to understand speech, difficulty in reading or writing, Swallowing difficulties or drooling, Loss of memory, Vertigo, Loss of balance or coordination, Personality changes, Mood/emotion changes, Drowsiness, lethargy, or loss of consciousness, Uncontrollable eye movements or eyelid drooping. SUB TYPES: If the area of the brain affected contains one of the three prominent Central nervous system pathways-the spinothalamic tract, corticospinal tract, and dorsal column, symptoms may include hemiplegia and muscle weakness of the face, numbness, reduction in sensory or vibratory sensation. In most cases, the symptoms affect only one side of the body. The defect in the brain is usually on the opposite side of the body depending on which part of the brain is affected. In addition to the above CNS pathways, the brainstem also consists of the 12 cranial nerves. Hence a stroke affecting the brain stem can produce symptoms relating to deficits in the cranial nerves. The symptoms are altered smell, taste, hearing, or vision, drooping of eyelid and weakness of ocular muscles, decreased reflexes like gag, swallow and pupil reactivity to light, decreased sensation and muscle weakness of the face, balance problems and nystagmus,altered breathing and heart rate,weakness in sternocleidomastoid muscle with inability to turn head to one side,weakness in tongue. If the cerebral cortex is involved, the CNS pathways can again be affected, but also can produce the symptoms like aphasia, apraxia, visual field defect, memory deficits, hemineglect, disorganized thinking, confusion, hypersexual gestures ,anosognosia (Bamford JM 2000). When the cerebellum is involved, the patient may have the symptoms like Trouble walking, altered movement, coordination, Vertigo and disequilibrium (Bamford JM 2000). ASSOCIATED SYMPTOMS: Loss of consciousness, headache, and vomiting usually occurs more often in hemorrhagic stroke than in thrombosis because of the increased intracranial pressure from the leaking blood compressing on the brain. DIAGNOSIS: The techniques which were used to diagnose the stroke are neurological examination, CT scans or MRI scans, Doppler ultrasound, and arteriography. The diagnosis of stroke itself is clinical, with assistance from the imaging techniques. Imaging techniques also assist in determining the subtypes and cause of stroke. There is yet no commonly used blood test for the stroke diagnosis itself, though blood tests may be of help in finding out the likely cause of stroke (Hill M 2005). PREVENTION: Screening for high blood pressure at least every two years, regular cholesterol check up, treat high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease, follow a low-fat diet, quit smoking, exercise regularly, lose weight if you are over weight, avoid excessive alcohol use (Goldstein LB, Adams R, Alberts MJ et al. 2006). TREATMENT: Treatment of ischemic stroke: Pharmacologic thrombolysis with the drug tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), Mechanical thrombectomy and anticoagulants. Treatment of hemorrhagic stroke: Patients with intracerebral hemorrhage require neurosurgical evaluation to detect and treat the cause of the bleeding, although many may not need surgery. Patients are monitored and their blood pressure, blood sugar, and oxygenation are kept at optimum levels. PHYSIOTHERAPY TREATMENT: The rehabilitation techniques commonly used were Roods Sensorimotor Approach, Knotts and Voss Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, Brunnstroms Movement Therapy, Bobaths Neuro Developmental Therapy, Motor Relearning Programme, Bimanual Rapid Alternating Movement, Motor Imagery Therapy, Robot Assisted Movement Therapy, Functional Electrical Stimulation, Bilateral Isokinetic Training, Cyclic Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation, Biofeedback etc. PROGNOSIS: The results of stroke vary widely depending on size and location of the lesion (Stanford Hospital Clinics.2005). Dysfunctions correspond to areas in the brain that have been damaged. Disability affects 75% of stroke survivors enough to decrease their employability (Coffey C. Edward.2000). Stroke can affect patients physically, mentally, emotionally, or a combination of the three. 30 to 50% of stroke survivors suffer post stroke depression, which is characterized by lethargy, irritability, sleep disturbances, lowered self esteem, and withdrawal. Depression can reduce motivation and worsen outcome (Senelick Richard C.1994).